Articles on: Dashboard

Moyasar Dashboard: IP Whitelisting


Moyasar provides IP Whitelist feature to protect Secret Key from being compromised. Visit API Docs for more information about the feature.

Getting Started

Go to
Log in to your account.
Click on the Settings tab.
Go to IP Whitelist tab

Live IP Whitelist

The Live IP whitelist lets you test out our IP Whitelist feature in the sandbox environment, meaning that any operation made using Live Environment API Keys will be restricted to the IPs in this list.

Test IP Whitelist

The Test IP whitelist lets you test out our IP Whitelist feature in the sandbox environment, meaning that any operation made using Test Environment API Keys will be restricted to the IPs in this list.

Add IP

To add an IP, Go to the list you want to edit and click on Edit List .

NameNickname for the IP
IPThe public IP of your server

Reset IP Whitelist

To reset the IP whitelist, click on Reset List.

This will reset all of the IP's,

Updated on: 11/06/2023

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