Articles on: Dashboard

Moyasar Dashboard: Managing Team


Moyasar dashboard provides full support for creating a team account with members of different roles to facilitate teamwork.

Getting Started

Sign in to your account at Moyasar Dashboard
Make sure you have an admin role
Click on Team (This will only appear if you have an admin role)

Team Roles

There are three types of roles you can assign to members, each with different permissions:

AdministratorHas full control over the account, including account settings he can view API keys, change account info, invite new members, etc. He can view and edit all payments information (e.g. refund a payment).
Read & WriteHas access to view and edit all payments information, and no access to change account settings or view API keys.
Read OnlyHas access to view all payments information, and does not have access to account settings

Invite Members

It's really easy to invite your team on Moyasar Dashboard, it just takes two steps.

Step 1: Click on the invite button

Invite members - step 1

Step 2: Enter email & choose permissions

invite members - step 2

View invites

Invite member - invites

Updated on: 23/03/2023

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