Articles on: Dashboard

Moyasar Dashboard: Search and Filter Payments


in the Dashboard, Payment filters allow you to sort and display payment data based on specific criteria. They help to save time and effort by quickly identifying the relevant payment data and excluding irrelevant data.

Getting Started

Go to and log in to your account.

Click on the Payments tab in the sidebar navigation.

Specify your search filters then click on the search button.

Search Filters

Payment ID Filter

Payment ID Filter

The Payment ID filter in Moyasar is a feature that allows businesses to filter their transaction data based on a unique ID assigned to each payment made through Moyasar. This can be helpful for businesses to quickly locate and analyze a specific payment, such as to troubleshoot any issues with the payment or to reconcile payments with their accounting records.

Payment IDA payment ID is a unique code assigned by Moyasar to each payment we process, and it is used to track the payment as it moves through various stages of processing.

Search By Payment ID

Click on the ID filter
Enter the payment id that you want to filter by.
Click Apply on the modal
Apply filters


Check for other filters: Make sure that you do not have any other filters applied that could be conflicting with the Payment ID filter. You can check if other filters are applied by looking at the filter panel on the dashboard and verifying that only the Payment ID is applied. If other filters are applied, remove them and try your Payment ID filter again to see if it resolves the issue.

Status Filter

Payment Status Filter

The Payment Status filter in Moyasar is a feature that allows businesses to filter their transaction data based on the current status of a payment. This can be helpful for businesses to track and manage their payments, and to quickly identify any issues with transactions that may require further action.

initiatedFirst status of a payment. It indicates that the payment has been created but card holder did not pay yet.
paidPayment reaches this status when the cardholder pays successfully.
failedPayment reaches this status when the cardholder or merchant has a certain error that caused the payment to fail (errors are attached to the payment object message attribute).
authorizedPayment reaches this status when the merchant authorizes it to be manually captured anytime later— card holder is not charged yet.
capturedPayment reaches this status when the cardholder of an authorized payment is charged successfully.
refundedPayment reaches this status when merchant refunds a paid or captured payment successfully.
voidedPayment reaches this status when merchant cancels a paid, authorized or captured payment. It works only if the amount is not settled yet in the merchant's bank account.

Search By Status Filter

Click on the status filter
Choose the payment status option you want to filter by, such as Paid, Failed, or Refunded
Click Apply on the modal
Apply filters


Check for other filters: Make sure that you do not have any other filters applied that could be conflicting with the Status filter. You can check if other filters are applied by looking at the filter panel on the dashboard and verifying that only the Status filter is applied. If other filters are applied, remove them and try your Status filter again to see if it resolves the issue.

Source Filter

Payment Source Filter
The source filter in Moyasar allows businesses to filter their transaction data based on the payment method used by their customers. This can be helpful for businesses to identify which payment methods are most commonly used by their customers and to make informed decisions about which payment methods to accept.

Credit CardPayments made through Mada, Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.
Apple PayPayments made through Apple Pay.
STC PayPayments made through STC Pay.
SADADPayments made through SADAD.

Search by Source Filter

Click on the source filter
Choose the payment method option you want to filter by.
Click Apply on the modal
Apply filters


Check for other filters: Make sure that you do not have any other filters applied that could be conflicting with the source filter. You can check if other filters are applied by looking at the filter panel on the dashboard and verifying that only the source filter is applied. If other filters are applied, remove them and try your source filter again to see if it resolves the issue.

Metadata Filter

Metadata Filter

Metadata is additional information that can be attached to a transaction, such as a customer name, product ID, order number, and more. By using metadata filters, businesses can easily search and sort through their transaction data based on specific criteria.

For example, a business may use metadata filters to search for all transactions made by a specific customer or all transactions related to a particular product. This can help businesses better understand their customers' behavior and identify trends in their sales data.

Moyasar's metadata filters are easy to use and can be accessed through the Moyasar dashboard. Businesses can create custom filters based on their unique needs and can save and export filter results for further analysis.

Keythe key is a unique identifier that labels and organizes associated data for easy sorting and searching .eg.(customer_name)
Valuethe value is the actual data associated with a key that provides additional information or context for easier analysis of transaction data. eg.(Mohammed Ahmad).

Search By Metadata

Click on the metadata filter
Enter the key-value pair that you want to search by. (you can only search by pairs and an empty value will cause metadata to return nothing)
Click Apply on the modal
Apply filters

Search By Multiple Metadata

Click on the metadata filter
Enter the key-value pair that you want to search by. (you can only search by pairs and an empty value will cause metadata to return nothing)
Click Add more
Click Apply on the modal
Apply filters


Check your metadata values: Make sure that the metadata key/values you are using in your filter are correct and match the key/values that were used when the payment was made. Check for any typos or spelling mistakes that could be causing the filter to fail.

Check for other filters: Make sure that you do not have any other filters applied that could be conflicting with your Metadata filter. You can check if other filters are applied by looking at the filter panel on the dashboard and verifying that only the Metadata filter is applied. If other filters are applied, remove them and try your Metadata filter again to see if it resolves the issue.

Last 4 Digits Filter

Last 4 Digits Filter

The last 4 digits filter in Moyasar is a feature that allows businesses to search and filter their transaction data based on the last 4 digits of a customer's credit or debit card number used to make a payment. This can be useful for businesses to track transactions by a specific customer or to identify trends in payment methods used for purchases.

Last 4 DigitsThe last 4 digits of a credit card refer to the final four numbers printed on the front of a credit card

Search by the last 4 digits of a customer's credit or debit card

Click on the last 4 digits filter
Enter the last 4 digits.
Click Apply on the modal
Apply filters


Check the card number: Make sure that you have entered the correct last 4 digits of the card used for payment. If the last 4 digits are incorrect, the filter will not return any results. You can verify the last 4 digits by checking the payment confirmation sms or receipt, or by contacting the cardholder.

Check for other filters: Make sure that you do not have any other filters applied that could be conflicting with the Last 4 digits filter. You can check if other filters are applied by looking at the filter panel on the dashboard and verifying that only the** Last 4 digits filter is applied. If other filters are applied, remove them and try your Last 4 digits** filter again to see if it resolves the issue.

Retrieval Reference Number Filter (Facilitation only)

(RRN) Retrieval Reference Number Filter
The Retrieval Reference Number filter in Moyasar is a feature that allows businesses to filter their transaction data based on the reference number assigned to each payment by the customer's bank.

This can be useful for businesses to reconcile payments with their bank statements and to track the progress of payments that may be delayed or require further action.

Retrieval Reference NumberRRN (Retrieval Reference Number) is a unique identifier assigned to a payment transaction, used to track and retrieve information about the transaction in case of disputes or errors.

Search by RRN (Retrieval Reference Number)

Click on the RRN filter
Enter the reference number that you want to search by. (You can get this by requesting a point of sales report from the bank)
Click Apply on the modal
Apply filters


Check for other filters: Make sure that you do not have any other filters applied that could be conflicting with your RRN filter. You can check if other filters are applied by looking at the filter panel on the dashboard and verifying that only the RRN filter is applied. If other filters are applied, remove them and try your RRN filter again to see if it resolves the issue.

Authorization ID Filter

Authorization ID Filter

In the Moyasar Dashboard, the Authorization ID filter allows you to search for transactions based on their unique authorization IDs.

When a customer makes a payment using a credit or debit card, the payment gateway performs a series of checks to ensure that the transaction is valid and authorized. If the transaction is approved, the payment gateway generates a unique authorization ID, which is used to track and identify the transaction.

By using the "Authorization ID" filter in the Moyasar Dashboard, you can search for transactions based on their authorization IDs. This can be useful if you need to locate a specific transaction, for example, if a customer reports a problem with their payment and you need to investigate.

Authorization IDunique string of characters referencing a successful payment authorization attempt.

Search by Authorization ID

Click on the Authorization ID filter
Enter the Authorization ID that you want to search by.
Click Apply on the modal
Apply filters


Check for other filters: Make sure that you do not have any other filters applied that could be conflicting with your Authorization ID filter. You can check if other filters are applied by looking at the filter panel on the dashboard and verifying that only the Authorization ID filter is applied. If other filters are applied, remove them and try your Authorization ID filter again to see if it resolves the issue.

Created At Filter

Created At Filter

The Created At filter in Moyasar is a feature that allows businesses to filter their transaction data based on the date and time the payment was created or processed. This can be useful for businesses to analyze their transaction data over specific time periods and to identify trends in customer behavior and payment activity.

This can be useful for businesses to reconcile payments with their bank statements and to track the progress of payments that may be delayed or require further action.

is equal toThis option allows businesses to retrieve payments made on a specific date.
is betweenThis option allows businesses to filter their transaction data based on a specific date range.
is on or afterThis option allows businesses to filter their transaction data to include payments made on or after a specific date.
is on or beforeThis option allows businesses to filter their transaction data to include payments made on or before a specific date.

Search for payments based on a specific date.

Click on the Created At filter.
Choose is equal to from the dropdown menu.
Select a date from the date picker.
Click Apply.
Click Search.

Search for payments based on a specific date range.

Click on the Created At filter.
Choose is between from the dropdown menu.
Select the start and end**dates** from the date picker.
Click Apply.
Click Search.

Search for payments made on or after a specific date.

Click on the Created At filter.
Choose is on or after from the dropdown menu.
Select a date from the date picker.
Click Apply.
Click Search.

Search for payments made on or before a specific date.

Click on the Created At filter.
Choose is on or before from the dropdown menu.
Select a date from the date picker.
Click Apply.
Click Search.


1.Check the date range: Make sure that you have entered the correct date range for the transactions you are searching for. If the date range is incorrect, the filter will not return any results. You can verify the date range by checking the payment confirmation email or receipt, or by contacting the customer.

Check for other filters: Make sure that you do not have any other filters applied that could be conflicting with your Created At filter. You can check if other filters are applied by looking at the filter panel on the dashboard and verifying that only the Created At filter is applied. If other filters are applied, remove them and try your Created At filter again to see if it resolves the issue.

Updated At Filter

Updated At Filter

The Updated At filter in Moyasar is a feature that allows businesses to filter their transaction data based on the date and time the payment status was last updated, such as when a payment was marked as "succeeded" or "failed." This can be helpful for businesses to track the progress of their payments and to quickly identify any issues or delays with payment processing.

This can be useful for businesses to reconcile payments with their bank statements and to track the progress of payments that may be delayed or require further action.

is equal toThe is equal to option allows businesses to payments that have changed on a specific date.
is betweenThe is between option allows businesses to filter their transaction data based on a specific date range.
is on or afterThe is on or after option allows businesses to filter their transaction data to include payments that changed on or after a specific date.
is on or beforeThe is on or before option allows businesses to filter their transaction data to include payments that changed on or before a specific date.

Search for payment updates based on a specific date.

Click on the Updated At filter.
Choose is equal to from the dropdown menu.
Select a date from the date picker.
Click Apply.
Click Search.

Search for payment updates based on a specific date range.

Click on the Updated At filter.
Choose is between from the dropdown menu.
Select the start and end dates from the date picker.
Click Apply.
Click Search.

Search for payment updates on or after a specific date.

Click on the Updated At filter.
Choose is on or after from the dropdown menu.
Select a date from the date picker.
Click Apply.
Click Search.

Search for payments made on or before a specific date.

Click on the Updated At filter.
Choose is on or before from the dropdown menu.
Select a date from the date picker.
Click Apply.
Click Search.


In conclusion, payment filters in the Moyasar dashboard allow businesses to easily sort and display payment data based on specific criteria, such as payment ID, source, status, last 4 digits of a credit or debit card number, and metadata. These filters will help your business to quickly identify the relevant payment data and exclude irrelevant data, which saves time and effort. Moreover, troubleshooting tips provided for each filter help businesses to resolve any issues they may encounter while using the filters. Overall, the payment filters in Moyasar's dashboard provide an effective tool for businesses to manage and track their payments efficiently.

Updated on: 05/03/2023

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