Articles on: Dashboard

Moyasar Dashboard: Search and Filter Invoices

Getting Started

Go to and log in to your account.

Click on the Invoices tab in the sidebar navigation.

Specify your search filters then click on the search button.

Invoice Filters

Invoice ID Filter

The Invoice ID filter in Moyasar is a feature that allows businesses to filter their transaction data based on a unique ID assigned to each invoice made through the Moyasar platform. This can be helpful for businesses to quickly locate and analyze a specific invoice.

Invoice IDA invoice ID is a unique code assigned by Moyasar to each invoice we process, and it is used to track the invoice as it moves through various stages of processing.

Status Filter

The invoice Status filter in Moyasar is a feature that allows businesses to filter their transaction data based on the current status of a invoices. This can be helpful for businesses to track and manage their invoices, and to quickly identify any issues with transactions that may require further action.

initiatedFirst status of an invoice. It indicates that the invoice has been created but is not paid yet.
paidInvoice reaches this status when card holder pays successfully.
refundedInvoice reaches this status when merchant refunds its paid or captured payment successfully.
canceledInvoice reaches this status when merchant cancels an initiated invoice.
on holdInvoice reaches this status when it has a current payment attempt that has not been completed yet.
expiredInvoice reaches this status when it is set for expiry and has reached the expiration date.

Metadata Filter

Metadata is additional information that can be attached to an invoice, such as a customer name, product ID, order number, and more. By using metadata filters, businesses can easily search and sort through their invoices data based on specific criteria.

For example, a business may use metadata filters to search for all invoices made by a specific customer or all invoices related to a particular product. This can help businesses better understand their customers' behavior and identify trends in their sales data.

Moyasar's metadata filters are easy to use and can be accessed through the Moyasar dashboard. Businesses can create custom filters based on their unique needs and can save and export filter results for further analysis.

Keythe key is a unique identifier that labels and organizes associated data for easy sorting and searching .eg.(customer_name)
Valuethe value is the actual data associated with a key that provides additional information or context for easier analysis of transaction data. eg.(Mohammed Ahmad).

Created At Filter

The Created At filter in Moyasar is a feature that allows businesses to filter their invoices data based on the date and time the Invoices was created or processed. This can be useful for businesses to analyze their invoices transaction data over specific time periods and to identify trends in customer behavior and payment activity.

is equals toThis option allows businesses to retrieve invoices made on a specific date.
is betweenThis option allows businesses to retrieve invoices based on a specific date range.
is on or afterThis option allows businesses to retrieve invoices made on or after a specific date.
is on or beforeThis option allows businesses to retrieve invoices made on or before a specific date.

Updated At Filter

The Updated At filter in Moyasar is a feature that allows businesses to filter their transaction data based on the date and time the invoice was last updated, such as when a invoice was marked as "paid" or "failed."

This can be helpful for businesses to track the progress of their invoices and to quickly identify any issues or delays with invoice processing.

is equals toThis option allows businesses to retrieve invoices that have been updated on a specific date.
is betweenThis option allows businesses to retrieve invoices that have been updated on a specific date range.
is on or afterThis option allows businesses to retrieve invoices that have been updated on or after a specific date.
is on or beforeThis option allows businesses to retrieve invoices that have been updated on or before a specific date.

Updated on: 11/06/2023

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